Become Italy

Spaghetti. No Meatballs.

I am anxious to write again, particularly because it gives my mind a chance to be creative and tap into some of the things that I really love doing: cooking, traveling, and sharing little pieces of inspiration that I find throughout my journey in life. I was sad devastated to see my previous blog erased and for awhile it really blocked me from getting back up on the horse, along with the fact that we do not live in Italy, yet. However, after some time reflecting and moving to a more calmer city from New York (Bahhhston – but I still love you New York!), I realized that we have been living culturally Italian in our household since I can remember. It is just a part of who I am now, and I even start to see things in America from a new lens. I would consider this a form of reverse culture shock, however I have yet to become an expat myself, but I will get there.

La bella vita can happen physically anywhere and at anytime and we do ourselves a disservice if we don’t practice living in the moment where we are at in this journey called life. Become Italy is more than just “becoming Italian”, it is taking inspiration to be come (come means ‘like’ in Italian) Italy. I am exited to open my doors to you through this blog & my social channels and share my love of food, cooking, traveling, language and lifestyle between living culturally “Italian” in America. With less fear, more vulnerability, and a whole lot of pasta, Benvenuto! Sono pronta a esplorare con voi (I am ready to explore with you)!