Feeling Peachy – 5 ingredients for a Torta di Pesche
We are going to be creeping into 95 degree weather here in Boston this coming weekend and my afternoon treat lately has been gelato – a LOT of gelato (ice cream). Besides the cold creamy goodness, which is a summer staple here in America and also in Italy, fresh fruit that is in season is always in one of the two fruit bowls we have in our house. Fruit is nature’s candy and one thing that I have noticed here in the states is that fruit is expensive compared to Italy! Like, super expensive – ironic right? The price of fresh produce and fruit here in the U.S. is astronomically…
Spaghetti. No Meatballs.
I am anxious to write again, particularly because it gives my mind a chance to be creative and tap into some of the things that I really love doing: cooking, traveling, and sharing little pieces of inspiration that I find throughout my journey in life. I was sad devastated to see my previous blog erased and for awhile it really blocked me from getting back up on the horse, along with the fact that we do not live in Italy, yet. However, after some time reflecting and moving to a more calmer city from New York (Bahhhston – but I still love you New York!), I realized that we have been…